Monday, January 14, 2008

Sharing One Of My Passions: FOOD

I have decided to start a recipe blog. I am currently writing a cook book and I thought this would be a fun way to share my "research" and keep me motivated to remember to type up my latest creations. Plus I hope to get impute and other recipes from my fellow foodies.

I go through phases, and right now I am on a healthy cooking kick, thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law Kirsten, and thus that is what I will be starting with. So I hope you check it often and have fun trying some of the stuff we are cooking up here in the Rasmussen abode!

This first recipe isn't healthy and I am not even sure if it counts as a recipe but here it is:

Mac and Cheese

If you are like us you have mac and cheese for lunch at lest once a week and being a wannabe chef I have to play with it and try different things to jazz it up. This is my latest theory on very yummy blue box Mac and Cheese. If you are going to cook something that has that much butter I figure you better be able to taste and enjoy the fattiness you are ingesting. You can accomplish that by using real butter and then caramelizing it!

After you drain your macaroni let it sit in ther drainer and return the pan to the heat and add your 1/4 cup of real yummy butter. Let it cook by itself until it is very bubbly and has taken on a caramely color. Don't do it too long or you will burn the butter and that won't be the way you want to taste your butter. I then add the cheese to the butter, followed by the milk, and finally the mac. Stir it and enjoy your Yummy Buttery Cheesy Heaven!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Emily, This is such a cute idea. I don't know how you do it, I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with one blog. I'm going to check this all the time, everything you make is soooooo good. LeGrand will be excited about this too cause he'll be able to eat your recipies that I make!!! Let me know if you want any recipes...
Love you!!!