Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun Frosting

This frosting is really fun - its uses flour! It is smooth, creamy, buttery, and not overly sweet. It's taste is a mix between butter cream frosting and whipped cream. For me that is a really good thing. We made "spring cupcakes" and I used this recipe for the frosting. It was so fun to try because the recipe sounds rather odd so its such a delight that it actually works out into something so yummy. I love experimenting. Oh, and it is super easy too! Just don't over whip it and you will be golden.

* I think if you cooked the flour for a rather long time- stirring constantly mind you, then you might achieve a butterscotch taste of sorts. I think when I make it again I will add a little of the butter to the flour mixture as I am cooking it to achieve a richer taste and see what happens.

Because I am lazy and didn't want to make a bunch more cupcakes I used up the rest of the batter for a small cake or a "giant cupcake" as my kids called it.
Then the kids decorated them with LOTS of sprinkles. They loved it.
Here is the interesting recipe. Who knew flour could make something similar to whipped cream!


1 cup milk
5 TB Flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1 cup Salted Butter
1 cup Granulated Sugar (not powdered)


In a small saucepan, whisk flour into milk and heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature. (If in a hurry, place the saucepan over ice in the sink for about 10 minutes or so until the mixture cools.) Stir in vanilla.

While the mixture is cooling, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Then add the COMPLETELY cooled milk/flour/vanilla mixture and beat until it all combines and resembles whipped cream.

Grab a spoon and taste this wonderful goodness. If there is any left after your taste test, spread it on a cooled chocolate cake.

Thank you Pioneer Women

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