I just made the second best corn bread I ever remember having in my life. The best being Morris Center cafeteria corn bread. Holy cow that was good! I remember one afternoon I went down to the cafeteria. I was newly engaged and the birth control I had started had wreaked havoc on my body and I had gained 10 pounds and counting. I was bugged. It was Fall and Fall in Utah often is more like winter and so I couldn't run as much as I wanted. I did not want to get married at my heaviest weight ever. I was on a "diet" no fatty foods and low carbs. But as I looked at their corn bread sitting there in this giant pan I had to take a small serving. It just looked so moist. OH, MY!!! It was the best thing made of corn that I had ever put in my mouth. I ended up eating four HUGE servings. And I still wanted more but alas I had a class to get to. I never felt bad about eating that corn bread. It was that good. :O) Since I have tried here and there to make some good corn bread. I have come up short every time. It has been dry, and without much flavor. BUT yesterday as I stared at he mix I was about to make to go along with our chili I knew I needed to jazz it up some how. I did and I loved it. It was not as good as the BYU cafeteria's version but it was really yummy. I do not want to forget what I did this time around!
1 package Marie Callender's Original Corn bread 1 stick melted butter 1/4 to 1/2 cup honey (if you like honey a lot add more, if not then act accordingly) 1 1/2 cups warm water 1 regular sized can of corn - husband said it would be better without but if he wants it without the corn then he can bake some himself because I love those corn pieces! ;)
In a med mixing bowl add melted butter, honey, and corn pieces and mix until combined. Add 1 and 1/2 cups warm water and then stir in the corn bread mix. Pour in well greased 8 x8 pan and bake at 375 until just barely done, even a little undone (34 minutes) and let sit on your counter for 10/15 mintues to let it finish cooking a bit. Then serve. And you will experience corn bread heaven. You can serve with honey butter but I don't think it needs it.
Canada and I hardly know each other but I do have fond feelings for her. My sister who I absolutely adore and wanted to be when I was a child served her mission there and she loved Canada, thus I loved Canada a little bit in her behalf. I like her cold country because she is our neighbor and the people there say "Eh?". I like her because the people there eat things like dill pickle and ketchup flavored potato chips, and of course those yummy Nanaimo bars. When I learned that Prince Edward Island wasn't in England but was in fact a part of our neighbor, little old Canada, I liked her even more.
Now with Canada hosting the Winter Olympics I thought I should teach my little family what I know about her and what I like about her. And honestly what better way then making them Nanaimo bars! I wished I had the real Birds Custard Mix but alas I had to improvise with the recommendations of my mother's Canadian friend. I showed the kids a map, gave them a cookie, and then we watched the Olympics via NBC.com. It was fun. Now I think they like Canada too.
If you want to celebrate Canadian Olympics with Nanaimo bars here is the recipe. Enjoy!
The ingredients: Bottom Layer
1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup sugar 5 TB cocoa 1 egg beaten 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/2 cup finely chopped almonds 1 cup coconut
First crumble your graham crackers, chop (and I lightly roasted) almonds, and set them aside. Then beat your egg in a small bowl. Set that aside as well. Melt butter, sugar, and cocoa in a double broiler. When it is hot take a large spoon full of the hot cocoa mixture and quickly whisk it into your egg. Then repeat at least one other time. Then slowly pour your egg mixture into your sauce pan and quickly whisk it all together. Then watch the magic of the egg make you sauce into a thick syrup. At this point mix in your coconut and graham cracker crumbs. Press firmly into a 8x8 or a 9x9 pan and place in the refrigerator to harden.
Cream butter, vanilla, and pudding in large bowl. Alternate adding powder sugar and cream and beat until light. Spread over the bottom layer. and place in the refrigerator.
Chocolate Layer
4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate ( use a nice brand...I used three bars of Dove dark chocolate and it was so good!) 3 TB butter
Place butter and chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and heat in microwave at 30 second intervals mixing in between until it s is melted and smooth to pour over the cream layer. Pour over cream layer and shake pan and tap on counter to help the chocolate spread out nice and smooth. then cover and let harden in the Fridge until ready to eat.
When cutting boil water on the stove and put knife in the hot water before each cut to prevent the chocolate from cracking while you cut.
Ok, here is the pie people are talking about all over the place, Crack Pie. My mother, who loves me greatly, sent me the article from the LA times that gave the coveted recipe. I had to try it. It is all the rage, Anderson Cooper even raves about it. So I bought myself some cream and raided our food storage for powered milk and set to work.
For this baking adventure I decided I would go Pioneer Women style...honestly I am yet to LOVE a single one of her recipes and sometimes having to look at pictures of every move she makes drives me insane!!!! Seriously, I know how to stir! But that is beside the point... I was so into what I was doing and how lovely an experience I was having I couldn't help myself. I wanted to capture all of it. It was fun. However, I do have to say I one-upped her. I had the cutest littlest assistant you ever did see by my side. Love him.
Here we go.First you make the cookie dough for the cookie crust. It is a basic cookie with oats added for flavor and texture. I do love them oats. Instead of forming cookies you spread the dough into a 9 x 13 pan and bake. When done you remove the cookie from pan and let cool on a rack until completely cooled...I broke mine up to speed things up.
Then you crumble the cookie pieces even more. Benjie enjoyed this part immensely. Don't you love my old school standing mixer? I do.
Once you have a nice crumb add brown sugar, salt and butter until you get a crumb mixture that holds it shape when you press it together in your palm. Like so,
Divided your crumb into two and press it into two 10 inch pie pans to make a thin crust. It is a shallow pie so the edges do not need to be high at all. Now at this point you are thinking you could fill the dang pies with nothing more then whipped cream and it would be great, you have a cookie crumb crust people! YUM!
Now here comes the triple bypass.
In a large bowl mix together white sugar, brown sugar, salt, and powdered milk. My mixture looked like this:
Then pour in two sticks melted butter, heavy cream, vanilla, and count them
EIGHT egg yolks. Can I say decadent?!?!?! Mix well but don't let it get fluffy. Benjie was a pro at this.
Pour your yellow custardy mixture on top of your prepared pie crusts. I don't own pie pans thus I used circular cake pans, they did just fine.
At this point you bake them one at a time starting them out at 35o for 20 minutes and then lower the temp to 325 and bake for another 15 minutes adding on 5 minutes if you are using a 9 inch pan. When you take them out of the oven they will seem under cooked. It is perfect that way! If you cook them too long the cookie and the filling combine into one and lose their charming attributes. Trust me! I know from pie number two. :(
Let your little beauties cool on the counter until they are room temperature and then chill in the fridge. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before you sever them. This pie presents like a lemon bar but warn your tasters this tastes very different. Buttery, creamy, sweet, salty, and while very rich you find yourself eating bite after bite. It does have a butterscotch taste to it but creamy all at the same time. If butterscotch is your thing then you will be a fan.
Enjoy! Heaven knows I did.
Crack Pie from Momofuku Bakery & Milk Bar, Manhattan
Cookie for Crust
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1/3 cup light-brown sugar 3 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 large egg 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup old-fashioned oats 1/8 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt
1.) Heat oven to 375 degrees. 2.) sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in medium bowl. set aside 3.) in bowl of a standing mixer beat butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until ight and fluffy. Then add your room temp egg and mix until well incorporated. 4.) With mixer running add the flour mixture a little at a time until incorporated and then add your oats. 5.) Spread in a 9 x 13 and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan and let cool on a rack.
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1 tablespoon light-brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt
1.) Break up your cookies into a bowl using hands or mixer to do the job until you get a even crumb mixture. 2.) then add you butter, sugar, and salt andm ix until when pressed it holds its shape. 3.) divide hte crumb evenly and then press into 10 inch pie pans. Set aside.
1 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup light-brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 cups milk powder 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted 3/4 plus 2 TB cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 8 large egg yolks Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
1.) Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. 2.)In a large bowl, whisk together sugars, salt, and milk powder, breaking up any lumps. 3.) Whisk in butter, heavy cream, and vanilla until well combined. Whisk in yolks until just combined. 4.) Pour filling into prepared pie crusts. Transfer pies to oven and bake until filling is set, about 15 minutes. Then reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees and continue baking until top of pie is golden brown ( 10 minutes) you want this pie to wiggle like crazy when you move it. 5.) Remove from oven and let cool. Transfer to refrigerator and refrigerate until cool. Dust with confectioners' sugar just before serving.
* One recipe I found had you bake at 325 for 15 minutes and then lower the temp to 315 until top is golden brown but the filling is still wiggly. Next time I will try this on the pies and see if I get a better result, you don't to want to over bake these pies!
I thought this would be weird. I thought it'd be a flop but everyone on the allrecipe website gave it great reviews so I gave it a whirl. I didn't have coconut extract so I substituted with almond. I think it would have been good either way. I loved this cake because the cake in and of its self was so sweet and yummy. I didn't make the glaze since I used it as a cupcake. Some reviews said the glaze was a bit much and I personally loved it layered with real whipped cream and sliced strawberries. Holy cow! SOOO good! I know I did this for valentines but I think with fresh strawberries it'd be perfect for Easter.
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups white sugar
5 eggs, beaten
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon coconut extract
1 teaspoon lemon extract
1 teaspoon rum flavored extract
1 teaspoon butter flavored extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
1/2 teaspoon rum flavored extract
1/2 teaspoon butter flavored extract
* 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease a 10 inch tube pan. In a small bowl, combine flour and baking powder. Set aside. In a measuring cup, combine the milk and 1 teaspoon each coconut, lemon, rum, butter and vanilla extracts; set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream butter, shortening and 3 cups sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, and beat until smooth. Beat in flour mixture alternately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Spoon mixture into prepared pan.
3. Bake for 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours, or until cak
e tests done. Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes.
4. Turn cake out of pan onto wire rack. Place waxed paper under rack to catch glaze drippings. Slowly spoon Five Flavor Glaze onto top of hot cake. Cool completely.
5. To make the Five Flavor Glaze: In a saucepan, combine 1/2 cup sugar, water and 1/2 teaspoon each coconut, lemon, rum, butter and vanilla extracts. Bring to a boil, stirring until sugar is dissolved.
My mother also made dishes like this all the time growing up. We had lots of tomatoes to eat up from our garden and this was a great way to do it.
1 lb. pasta 4-6 TB olive oil Peeled, chopped fresh tomatoes ( I don't think we bothered to peel) 1/4 cup sliced green onions 2 tsp. chopped fresh basil Freshly ground pepper 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
cook pasta and drain. Immediately toss with remaining ingredients
You may want to add some of the following: 1 clove finely minced garlic, 1/2 cup sliced ripe olives, 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, 3 TB chopped Italian parsley
I remember eating this as a kid and loving it...yes, I was a little odd. I still crave it. Now I finally have the recipe.
1 cup white beans, cooked 1 head of curly endive, cut into 1 inch pieces 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 49.5 oz. can of rich chicken broth 1 can water 2 TB olive oil
Wash endive well and cool til tender. Drain. In large pot saute garlic in oil until lightly golden brown. Add broth, water, beans, and endive. Heat together fro about 10 minutes to blend flavors. Sprinkle in some fresh ground pepper. Serve. I think I sprinkled some Parmesan cheese on top when I was a kid.
I grew up in little Armenia in southern Cali. Seriously 3/4 the population was from Armenia. Maybe that is what drew my mother to this Armenian soup. She made this for us when we were kids and we all loved it. Us smiths love our sour. It is really good. really good. Trust me!
1 small onion, chopped 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cups tomato puree 1 large russet potato diced 1/2 cup bulgur, fine grade 2 quarts rich chicken stock salt pepper sliced green pepper parsley sour cream
In 5 quart pot saute onion in butter until golden. In bowl soak sauerkraut in water, drain and chop. Add onions and cook until done, adding water if mixture gets too dry. Add tomato puree, Saute 5 to 7 minutes.
Add potatoes, bulgur and stock and cook 15 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish with sliced green pepper and parsley. Makes 4 servings.
My mother knows I like to bake and make treats for people just as much as she does so she sent this one to me to try and to let her know how it turned out. I am saving this treasure to try next holiday season and it will be tried! To me it sounds like a glorious heart attack I am very much looking forward to having.I love it and I haven't even tried it yet. She found it here.
Cut each cookie into 2 2-1/2-in. sections; set aside. Crush remaining 1-inch pieces. In a small bowl, combine the cookie crumbs, cracker crumbs and butter; press onto the bottom of a greased 9-in. springform pan.
In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Beat in the eggnog, milk, pudding mixes, extract and nutmeg until smooth. Whip cream until stiff peaks form. Fold whipped cream into pudding mixture. Spoon over crust. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Just before serving, remove sides of pan. Arrange reserved cookies around dessert and press gently into sides. Refrigerate leftovers. Yield: 12 servings.
* Note: This recipe was tested with commercially prepared eggnog. Reduced-fat eggnog is not recommended.
My brother-in-law served his mission in England and so my mother made this for him with her super yummy herb crusted Roast to bring him back a little bit. I really want to try this someday since I am mostly have English blood flowing in my veins. Plus I hear it is good. The recipe reminds me of a savory version of German pancakes.
Yorkshire Pudding
1 cup flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup milk 2 eggs
Thirty minutes before standing roast is done prepare pudding. Heat square pan (9x9x2) in oven along with roast. Mix all ingredients with hand beater just until smooth. Remove roast from oven and spoon off drippings and add melted butter if needed to measure 1/2 cup.
Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees F. Return roast to the oven. Place hot drippings in the heated square pan and pour the Yorkshire pudding batter on top. Bake 10 minutes. Cut pudding into squares and serve with roast.
This is from my mother. She made it for Christmas to be a little different. She and everyone there raved about it. She said it was because dinner was two hours late so they were starving by the time they got to eat. But I think it was probably good no matter what because even the vegetarians loved it. I am looking forward to trying it soon!
In a small bowl mix the paprika, salt, garlic powder, black pepper, onion powder, cayenne pepper, oregano, and thyme. Stir int eh olive oil and all mixture to sit about 15 minutes.
preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil
Place the roast on the prepared baking sheet, and cover on all sides with eh spice mixture.
Roast 50 minuets in the preheated oven or until the internal temperature is 145 degrees F. Let sit 15 minutes before slicing.
*can be used on other cuts of meat (pork, chicken, ...) my mother thought that sage could be substituted for the oregano if I wanted too.
So I tried my hand at fondant. I didn't realize how dry it has to be to get it to to it highest degree of manageability. But I think I figured it out half way through a major cake project. Now that I know what I am doing I think I will have fun playing with it many more times to come!
This simple fondant recipe uses ingredients which are probably already in your pantry. It's softer than our standard fondant recipe with a very sweet taste that kids love.
1 package (16oz) mini marshmallows (good quality brand) 2-5 TB water (substitute flavoring for a portion of the water it make sit so much yummier) 2 pounds sifted confectioners' sugar 1/2 cup solid vegetable shorting
Makes about 2 lbs.
To make marshmallow fondant, place marshmallows and 2 tablespoons of water in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave 30 seconds on high; stir until mixed well. Continue microwaving 30 seconds more; stir again. Continue until melted (about 2 1/2 minutes). If I am doing a lot of one color I like to add my coloring at this point. The color of the marshmallow will not be diminished much at all my the powdered sugar so it is a easy way to get even color without getting your hand all colored terribly by trying to fold it in later.
Place 3/4 of the confectioners' sugar on top of the melted marshmallow mixture. Fold sugar into marshmallow mixture. Place solid vegetable shortening in easily accessed bowl so you can reach into it with fingers as you are working. Grease hands and counter GENEROUSLY; turn marshmallow mixture onto counter. Start kneading like you would dough. Continue kneading, adding additional confectioners' sugar and re-greasing hands and counter so the fondant doesn't stick. If the marshmallow fondant is tearing easily, it is too dry; add water (about 1/2 tablespoon at a time) kneading until fondant forms a firm, smooth elastic ball that will stretch without tearing, about 8 minutes.
It's best to allow Marshmallow Fondant to sit, double-wrapped, overnight. Prepare the fondant for storing by coating with a thin layer of solid vegetable shortening, wrap in plastic wrap and then place in resealable bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible. Marshmallow Fondant will keep well in refrigerator for several weeks. If it gets to hard to work with you can always throw it int he microwave for a few seconds to make it softer...great when you have to roll out a large sheet!
When not working with fondant, make sure to keep it covered with plastic wrap or in a bag to prevent it from drying out. When ready to use, knead fondant until smooth. Roll out fondant 1/8 in. thick.
To color fondant: If you need to tint the entire batch of fondant, add a little icing color to the melted marshmallow mixture before adding confectioners' sugar. For smaller amounts of tinted fondant, add icing color to portions of fondant as needed.
I found a great recipe and then made it my own...I LOVE these. The best I have ever had. Someday make this and you will be so happy you did. YUMMY!
1 medium onion cut in half and sliced and separated
3 garlic cloves minced
3 Tbs. Butter
Water to cover roast
2-3 TBs beef bullion
1 ½ tsp oregano
½ tsp pepper
3 lbs. beef tender roast
Long Whole wheat rolls
Smoked sliced Provolone or sharp cheddar
In a slow cooker melt butter while on high as you chop ingredients. Then add onion, garlic, herbs, bullion and stir and let cook slightly. Then add the roast and water to mostly cover roast. Let cook all day until the meat is shred-able. Turn the roast throughout the day and the last 1 or so let it cook with the lid off to let the juices reduce a bit. When done remove roast and shred. Taste brothand adjust flavor. Then heat rolls in the oven a little bit. Slice in half and place the cheese inside put the meat back in crock pot. Right before serving drain some juice into wide mouth cups for people to dip the their sandwiches in. Place meat in sandwich and then dip it to have sandwich heaven!
* When I am trying to be healthier I put my meat on shredded lettuce and put a little grated provolone on top. Still good not as good.
-Egg substitutes work just fine in baking and even custards. Egg Beaters Brand was ranked highest in taste by America's Test Kitchen.
-Brine-ing your beans gives your beans a better flavor and they even cook more evenly. Soak beans in water with 2 tsp. salt per quart of water.
-When you make a vinaigrette add 1/4 tsp Mayo for each 1/4 of vinaigrette. You wont notice the taste but it helps emulsify the oil and vinegar so they don't separate as much!
-To get better results with your baking make sure your eggs are at room temperature. You can accomplish this easily by putting them in a bowl with warm water for a few minutes.
- If you find yourself out of brown sugar you can make it yourself! for light brown sugar add 1 Tb of molasses to 1 cup of white sugar. For dark brown sugar add 2 TB per cup of white sugar.
- You can make your own cake flour. Add 2 TB of corn starch to 7/8 cups all purpose flour = it will equal 1 cup. ( guess take away 2 table spoons of flour and replace with corn starch is the same thing.
-Powdered sugar is simply finely ground white sugar and corn starch. So if you ever find yourself out of powdered sugar and need it right then you can just blend some corn starch and white sugar in your blender and there you have it. It wont be as good but it works.
- As a general rule when using dried herbs in place of fresh half the amount called for.
-Adding a little corn starch to your pie crust does magical things.
- When replacing canned beans for dried beans you use five 8 oz canned for 1 pound dry.